Monday, June 2, 2008

Where is My Mind?

In last few posts, I have been using the phrase "My Mind" frequently perhaps in the autobiographical sense.

But while observing it I find, from moment to moment it functions in different manner.

Sometimes, it is like a mirror in the Bathroom showing my actual self.

Sometimes, it is like a piece of mirror lying in the day light in the Sun, initially reflecting everything clearly and gradually losing its power of reflection as wind deposits sand on it.

Often it is like clear water in the tumbler, acquiring the characteristic of the additives.

Likewise, it works like a photographic plate behind the lenses (eyes), an audio file storage behind the sound recorder (ear) and so on… but mostly tagged to one or more input devices like skin, nose, tongue etc….

And strangely sometimes it takes inputs from itself and keeps reacting to itself.

I find I have very little control over it accept in some very rare moments….

If I do not have any control over it then how can it be mine?

So from now on, it is not My Mind but simply MIND.


Sailin Gudhka said...

This write up was really good and easy to digest for an idiot person like me.

Anonymous said...

I am a krishnamurtifan. Earlier it was difficult to understand him but I kept on reading him again and again and again...untill after doing vipassana...I actually started to understand him...AND HE SAYS,"You may have a separate body, a different face, a different name and family, but the inward structure of your mind is essentially conditioned by society; therefore, you are not an individual. Surely, only the mind that is not bound by the impositions of society, with all the implications involved, can be free to find out that which is true and that which is God. Otherwise, all we do is merely to repeat catastrophe; otherwise, there is no possibility of that revolution which will bring about a totally different kind of world. It seems to me that is the only important thing—not to what society, to what group, to what religion you should or should not belong, which has all become so infantile, immature, but for you to find out for yourself if the mind can be totally free from all the impositions of custom, tradition, and belief, and thereby be free to find out what is true. Then only can we be creative human beings."

Anonymous said...

"If I do not have any control over it then how can it be mine?"...

This is an awesome insight :-)

Anonymous said...

To know that my mind is not my mind is a GREAT BLESSING. This is a totally new begining...when one knows that my mind ins not mind then he stops to fight with his mind or stops to improve upon his mind...the NEW OBSERVATION HAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT EFFECT ALTOGETHER...I would say "Welcome to new world....."

Anonymous said...

when you know that my mind is not my mind by your blood and bones...then you actually become UNPLUGGED...Like in a movie : MATRIX. Only when you are unplugged...then you are totally and absolutely free of MATRIX / MAYA.

But beware all people around you are plugged and are the potential agents of MATRIX.


Milan said...

Truly, mind has never been mine, whilst in childhood, it learns & does what it is taught by elders, later it learns to demand of things others have,mind is ruled by multiple subjects like emotions, aspirations, desires, affection etc. if one could have a mind without these strings attached, there would be lesser misery in this world.