Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rosemary’s Baby

During 1968, my early college days, amongst many movies, I saw Rosemary’s Baby by a famous director Roman Polanski based on Ira Levin’s novel. The movie had an unforgettable effect on my Mind.

Since 40 years have passed, I may have forgotten the accurate details but still recollect the story broadly.

A young couple moves in to a new house. The husband comes in contact with the neighbors and connives with them to reincarnate the Devil through her. After, that the story unfolds various aspects of changing the body chemistry of the pregnant mother, Neuro-linguistic Programming during her sleep, and the devil’s advocate ensuring that everything goes as per the plan at any cost.

Amongst the other characters, an important role was played by a well wisher neighbor who helps ensure that unwilling mother’s body and Mind transform through a designed chemistry of food intake and mental suggestions.

Great care was taken to prepare the mother for the unexpected result. Movie very effectively portrayed the natural struggle taking place in the Mind of the mother. Anxiety, gut feeling, apprehensions, love etc. and all the aspects covered well of a typical of a pregnant mother caught between the good and bad without her knowledge.

And finally movie ends with birth of the devil baby the mother refuses to accept the baby...

The last shot comes as a punch line “Some humans are born in the form of devil and some devils are born in the form of humans” and the mother reconciles…..

Now after 40 years, I deliberate on this movie and many questions arise in my Mind.

Aren’t we all like Rosemary?

We conceive the bad against our innate desire for good. And having conceived the bad, ensure that it nurtures properly through toxic food for body and mind.

We force acceptance of our ill conceptions on ourselves and ultimately justify the results.

And that is not enough we also force our spectators in to the acceptance of our babies?

Saturday, May 24, 2008


My Mind often wonders about the nature of words its domain and its effectiveness.

Why do words have different meanings at different time for speaker and listener?

Why is "mother" different than "Maa", or "Father" different than "Pa" or "Dad"? when they are addressed to same listener by the same speaker?

For a Marathi knowing person why does word "Aai" and "Matoshri" evoke different emotions and responses?

Why does Google take you on a World tour when you search for the word "Love"?

Why does George Bush's words "World Peace" & "Freedom" are different than rest of the
World? And why do they convey contradictory meanings and responses to different people in different countries.

Why are cause and effect different when an employer tells his prospective employee that he is looking for an honest person like him (to run his dishonest business!!??)

Why is word "misquote" synonymous with "media"?

Are words essential tools to play mind games?

Are words only triggers to generate responses? If it is true than why are the responses different?

Why are same words spoken at different time induce different effects like soothing, needle pricks and gunshots?

And why do some words spoken during the greatest self awareness act like detonators? And why (or how) do they result in the cessation of the speaker, listener and the words themselves?

Is that why J Krishnamurti always refrained from establishing the relationship as a speaker and listener?

Is that why my wife always says (usually after her meditation) that when one has experienced, the word "Gratitude" invariably appears grossly inadequate?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Clinging to Opposites....

My Mind always wonders...

Why negative becomes guardian of positive?

How do corrupt politicians rise to the highest offices in the culturally most advance nations?

What prompts glorification of underworld in the Hollywood and Bollywood movies?

Why are so called God men claiming to change the World are in a race for altering their economical and social status?

Why does mass-mind consider the psyche of some individuals indispensable for its welfare and progress? Perhaps, in reality whose absence could have brought in the desired results much quicker!!

Every morning I receive an email from World of Quotes. They very kindly provide me short and not so sweet material to keep my Mind busy for a while, at times it consoles me, some times it provokes thoughts and often it makes me laugh at my ignorance.

Anyway.... the quotation seems to crystallize my thoughts which I am reproducing here...

"A man can be a hero if he is a scientist, or a soldier, or a drug addict, or a disc jockey, or a crummy mediocre politician. A man can be a Hero because he suffers and despairs; or because he thinks logically and analytically; or because he is "sensitive;" or because he is cruel. Wealth establishes a man as a hero, and so does poverty. Virtually any circumstance in a man's life will make him a hero to some group of people and has a mythic rendering in the culture -- in literature, art, theater, or the daily newspapers.
~Andrea Dworkin~"

Well, what is it? Resonance? Gravitation or hungry Mind's strife for the nutrition?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Divine or Human Retribution

Mind wanders if a Regime can be tried for the crime against Humanity? If yes, who will do so? The superpowers who themselves are guilty of such crimes against the Humanity under the name of Peace, Democracy, destruction of weapons of mass destructions with weapons of much greater mass destructions and so on....

Mind recalls Ayn Rand "Who is John Galt?" Heart says "Who will throw the first stone?" and at whom? Certainly at the mirror!!

Is Mind not capable of questioning itself the cause of the suffering?

Is it not able to perceive the Divine Retribution (if we may call it) and cognize the urgent need to adopt a rational way of Life?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Suffering of Burmese people is no longer confined to them. It has started affecting me and all the like Minded people in the World.

If the Junta is suspicious of US intention, surely there are other Nations who do not give out slightest of such impression and are willing to help.

Every minute is precious for the 3/4 of the Cyclone affected peace loving population of Burma.

There is no pity in the Mind but compassion and Metta.

May Love and Compassion of good Hearts win over the negative Minds.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mind of George Bush

My MIND cannot stop reacting to George Bush's comments about World food crises generated by Indian and Chinese middle class consuming richer and more food!!

Do they not have the right to develop and prosper in their own country by hard work?

Or should they starve so that US can produce more ethanol for their voracious consumption at the cost of developing countries?

Does it not sound like Sacrifice by the poor for rich, an age old Mind Game?

Strange ways of collective Mind

Thousands of cyclone affected people of Myanmar are facing the risk of death and disease by starvation but the authorities do not want to accept international help!!

Referendum against the people's welfare?

Is collective mind not capable of thinking about priorities?