Saturday, January 16, 2010

Gratitude - 2


Time degenerates, Time regenerates, Time divides, Time multiplies...

Seed under the care of the gardener multiplies, in the absence of that care, degenerates with time...

Gardener's care seems to resist the power of time.

Mutual dedication of the student/teacher provides perpetuity to knowledge.

Bodhitree can survive more than 2500 years with the care of the gardeners and so also the Dhamma teachings with the guardians.

Mind deliberates on history..

After His enlightenment, the second week, Buddha stood gazing at the Bodhitree without moving his eyes and meditating with Gratitude for providing a shelter to him during his Enlightenment.

The Enlightened One, located his five companions and taught them Dhamma and set the Wheel in motion.

Time regenerates...

On the Gratitude Day the Dhamma-teacher Goenka searches thousands of his early students and expresses his gratitude who helped him propagate and guard the Bodhitree which he replanted. This Bodhitree has provided fruits of Dhamma to millions of people across the World since.

Experiencing this process, looking at this tree with great admiration and Gratitude, Mind recollects the words of the Enlightened One and the head bows down to the Teachers and the Teachings, Gardners and the Tree...

"garavo ca nivato ca santutthi ca katannuta
kalena dhammasavanam etam mangalamuttamam"

"Respect, humility, contentment, gratitude,
and listen to the Dhamma on due occassions: This is the greatest Blessing"
- Maha-Mangala Sutta, (Snp 2.4)


Abhijit Dharmadhikari said...

A very thought provoking article! You concluded it with a very nice message. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Keeping with the writing style, your articles keep me speechless everytime...

looking at the giant tree in front of oneself [me] one [I] can't help but feel dwarfed by the vastness of knowledge and spread of branches only time has enabled the tree to grow...