Mind wanders, what is Ownership? Are Me, Mine, Our, Copyright, Intellectual rights, Patents etc. synonymous?
Are they absolute and permanent? How do they get diluted or cease in reality?
Does intellect play any role in its survival or cessation?
In cricket, when a fielder takes a catch, why all the credit goes to the fielder and not to Isaac Newton?
Why do HAMs keep arguing about who is the true inventor of Radio, whether, Marconi, Bose, Tesla and so on and still keep talking about One World One Language?
Why do housewives talk about their kitchen gadgets in terms of their brand initially and after few days only talk about how to improve cooking, or washing or storage or the process of their intended use?
Mind goes back to the cricket fielder. Over the years, after continuous practice, he has experienced and understood the law of Trajectory. Intellectually he may not even know who Isaac Newton was but his perfect practice earns him accolades.
HAMs will keep arguing about the inventor of the Radio until one of them has succeeded in giving a first disaster call in Tsunami, floods, earthquake or any other Human tragedy and helped save lives. Or with the simplest of technique he has succeeded in establishing a contact with a remote station to his joy. Is not the result because of his understating the fundamentals of the radio, experimenting with them and perfecting them?
A housewife will talk about how to make best use of gadgets as she uses them more and more instead of boasting about its manufacturer or brand?
So, does it mean that mindful experience brings dilution or cessation of Ownership? Or does it transform it in to something else?
When I experience Compassion, is it the compassion of My Jesus?
When I meditate and experience wisdom is it the wisdom of My Buddha?
Mind sees…
Is not mindful practice dilutes the ownership boundaries?
Is not when I bring the theory or teachings on My Experience, the so called Ownership ceases and turns in to Gratitude?
Gratitude to Christ, to Buddha and everyone in the spiritual or worldly matters who have helped me gain the expertise and experience in whatever I have established in?
And when I am deprived of all my possessions (ownerships), am I not humbled down and Happy?
a very thought provoking statement here...
I have heared,(even after his enlightenment) Buddha said,"I shall not enter the gates of heaven untill the last being on earth is enlightened."
Ignrant mind brags about personal achievemts...and the world is so...the structure of the MATRIX is such...this is the very survival of MATRIX / MARA / MAYA...
I don't know if my interpretation is right...if it is right then it is not mine and if it is wrong...then too it is not mine...TOO EASY TO WRITE AL THIS BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE THIS...
Once I was traveling by train, i had the reservation, when i saw somebody was sitting on my seat, i asked him to vacate my seat and boldly told him it is my reservation...that person was quite old in his 70s...that gentleman got up and gave me my seat...after some time when i really looked at that person who was standing nearby( with great difficulty at his age )...i could not digest my authority over the seat...i asked him back to the seat...But after that there was big fight was going on in my mind...between wrong and right...
Nice post EOJ! I sometimes wonder. God/Nature doesn't have an ownership stamp on the Sunlight it gives to the world, the rains, the Oxygen and plenty of other natural resources which humankind has utilized for FREE of charge and never given even a thought to it.
Keep writing..
Just keep on writing.........its a boon to me at least I will digest some good things.
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