Recently US president, George Bush, visited Iraq as a last visit to the country whose present state is his creation or destuction. Normally this incident would have passed away like any other normal one but it caught the attention of the World as one of the journalist threw shoes along with verbal abuses at him for what he has done to his Country a known fact. Whatever may be his justification for this devastation and loss of lives of thousands of innocent people, it has inflicted immense sufferings on the survivors under the name of justice and Peace. In spite of all these, there was no regret of any kind in George Bush, this modern invader of a sovereign country...
This incidence brings up memories of a great event in the history of mankind. Emperor Ashoka, after his victory in the Kalinga war, visited the battle field. He saw the death and destruction caused by him and the suffering inflicted on the survivors.
An impartial observation of what he had done along with the thought of Victory at what cost? And an instant transformation followed with a resolve never to take up weapons again in his Life.
The victory of the good over the bad within manifested. He came in contact with Lord Buddha's teaching through one of Buddha's disciple Upgupta and started practicing and spreading teachings of the Enlightened One to the World.
Even after over two thousand years of this event, we are still experiencing the results of his benevolent action. Large part of the World still pursues path of Love, Compassion and Peace and continue to demonstrate it to the rest of the mankind at the cost of their own social and political welfare may it be Tibet or Myanmar or any other country in the east.
Mind wonders....
There are two emperors along with many which are part of the history of mankind who were responsible for the death and distruction of innocent human beings. Both experienced remorse over their action. But who emerged truly victorious?
Why are two forms of remorse vastly different and their effects poles apart?
Is it because of the teachings of Buddha or Christ or others great beings?
How does one imbibe the teachings in oneself? Merely by regretting or being remorseful of ones past actions?
Mind deliberates....
Why every metal does not get attracted to magnet? Is it because of the quality of the magnet or because of the quality of the metal?
Do we have different magnets for different metals? If not, then definitely it is the metal which needs transformation to establish relationship with magnet by acquiring the quality of the iron or let us say quality capable of establishing connection with the magnet and feeling the force of the magnetic pull.
Does this relationship not demonstrate the law of nature?
Whether, one has the quality of brass, gold or platinum, unless one transforms oneself into iron, one will not be capable of feeling the force of the magnet according to the universal Law or Dhamma.
Mind further deliberate...
Metals may require laboratories and processes for transformation, even then it may be next to impossible to change them. But human beings are gifted by nature and have an in-built capacity to change themselves.
How do human beings change themselves? by rites, rituals or any other means?
Did emperor Ashoka change himself by any such means when he visited the battlefield.
Or it was just a mindful observation of his actions and results in few silent moments?
A victory within?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Victory - within or without?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I wander if human being was individual….
Yesterday Narain has commented “I wander if human being was individual?….” on my post "Double Edged Sword"
Deliberating on it Mind wanders…
Can a grain of Salt mixed with Sugar acquire the quality of sugar? Or vice a verse?
Is it possible to achieve the purity of the end result with a mixture of both? Can it be absolutely salty or sweet?
To achieve purity, the pollutant has to be removed….
Can an individual be called human without acquiring the quality of a human being ?
Can such mixture achieve the final goal of being a human or of the humanity? May it be Liberation, Nirvana or whatever one may call it.
To be a part of something one has to acquire the quality and characteristics of it. For which transformation is a pre-requisite?
And does not any transformation requires a discipline and process with patient and impartial observation?
To be human, it is essential that an individual transforms himself to be part of the Humanity.
Mind recalls H P Blavatsky….
“Thou shalt not separate thy being from BEING, and the rest, but merge the Ocean in the drop, the drop within the Ocean.”
Friday, November 21, 2008
Double-edged Sword:
Early days of my spiritual journey, in my 20s, I walked in to United Lodge of Theosophy in Bombay on one Wednesday evening session. The session was a Q&A session of the theosophical studies conducted by Late Madam Sophia Wadia, (wife of a well known theosophist Late Mr. B P Wadia). The lady had a remarkable glow on her face, which I have seen in very few great people like J Krishnamurti and others. The serenity on her face was equally impressive. Her punctuality and the manner of conducting her sessions by precise language was striking, not a word extra nor an incomplete explanation of a concept.
Students asked various questions and she answered them with strikingly effective words backed by her experience and subject knowledge. One of the answers to the question I have never forgotten. I am grateful to her for this answer and will remain always for making me understand the law of Karma and to look at things from various angles.
Someone asked her, “If I see a beggar on the road in a miserable condition, do I let go myself thinking that he is paying for his Karma?” Her answer was “Yes, he is paying for his Karma but what Karma you are generating at that moment?”
My theoretical spiritual journey continued for several year after that until I came in contact with Goenka and started practicing Vipassana meditation. Concepts turned in to experience and experience brought Wisdom.
Mind wonders… if concepts are not understood, do they stop there? Or are they necessarily misunderstood?
Responsive action to the beggar’s karma, makes me a better human being or a bigger beggar?
I remember Goenka saying “Dhamma (Law of Nature) is a double edged sword it will cut either way” ….
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Extremes Meet
On the face value I could never understand the proverb "Extremes Meet" Mind kept on Rolling for the answers of many questions...
Why is bell curve symmetric? And in the bell curve why middle is important and not sides?
How coolly we have allowed the Earth to get Warm?
Why do human beings kill other human beings in the name of Religion when no religion preaches it?
Why should family honour lead to killing of the siblings or blood relations?
Why organized religion is not in sync with the law of Nature?
If we acknowledge that devastation caused by floods in Bihar-India, was caused by Koshi River changing its course.... Do we Humans not cause more devastation by changing our course which has been laid down by Nature?
Why are we so miserable when we have progressed much more in the last century compared to the entire history of the Mankind?
MIND wanders..... is it because we have chosen extreme (outmost) instead of Middle Path?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Celebration of Independence
Like most countries in the World, once again everyone in India will be celebrating its Independence Day.
Being an Indian, this day brings up nostalgic memories of my childhood. Depending on the available means around that time, my father would buy new clothes for me for the occasion. If for some reason, his humble budget did not permit then he will still make me and my brothers wear the best ones within the very few available sets, washed and ironed.
My mother would invariably make a sweet preparation. School holiday, combined with good clothes and food and a flag hoisting ceremony in the school or in the building and a blaring loudspeaker on the street playing patriotic songs was a real celebration for a small child who did not know what was truly being celebrated?
Obviously, in those days there were no questions so no answers also.
After several decades of this celebration and deliberation, MIND has started questioning. What is celebration? Why should it be the way it is and what should trigger it?
What is Independence?
Is it the transfer of state of responsibilities from others to oneself? May it be political, economical, ideological or philosophical?
Is it an experience of becoming free from any kind of external controls? Or it is a mere intellectual wish?
Can there be a total freedom from these states of responsibilities or external controls? Therefore, can there be a true freedom from all these constituents?
Or is it a mere valuation by Mind of the altered state? Does it really calls for a celebration in the inner sense?
As NORMAL human beings, we don’t celebrate non-consumption of drugs, non-use of weapons, or anything which is against the welfare of human beings. Instead, we all strive to eliminate them either by action or by volition.
Similarly, should we not strive to eliminate the very constituents which deprived us of our freedom?
MIND rolls over on Celebration…
Isn't Celebration more plural in nature than Enjoyment which is rather personal? Is it not inherently collective in nature because its reward multiplies with numbers? And therefore it generally goes beyond oneself
For example, if I am on a ship which is full of fellow passengers and is sinking. It’s one side has already gone below the water with few people and I am on the side which is still afloat. Can I enjoy that state? Can I celebrate? And if somehow I manage to survive against everyone else on the board will I ever be able celebrate that chance survival?
On the other hand, if I have managed to rescue even few of the fellow passengers, will it not be a better and lasting celebration for every one of us?
As long as a member of my Family is afflicted either by drug, weapons or any trait which is against human welfare and until he overcomes it himself or I help him to overcome it, I cannot truly enjoy.
MIND wanders…..
Can we then, truly celebrate Independence Day until we have helped ourselves and others to remove the very constituents from which we sought Freedom?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Currently, on an Indian TV channel, an advertisement by a cellular services company is marketing its product by depicting Grandma and her granddaughter in remote locations but communicating through a cell phone. The granddaughter makes grandma listen to the sound of the temple bell and the Grandmas’ head bows down with reverence….
Prima facie the ad appears as a natural phenomenon in the traditional Indian setup. But Mind cannot accept it at a face value.
The sound of bells… in Grandma generates reverence.
The sound of bells in Hemingway brings the apprehension of uncertainty and Death.
The sound of school bell springs up joy of freedom to play in the child’s heart?
The sound of the bells in a meditator’s mind generates an urge to go from without to within.
What made the sound such a difference in different people?
It is certainly not a mere contact of the stimuli with the sound sense organs!
Is it logic mixed with the contact?
To certain extent yes. Grandma knows the daughter has gone to pilgrimage. Hemingway is on a warzone. Child is in a school.
But what if the granddaughter plays the sound of some other bells? What if the child hears the bells of a different school? Does logic play any role then?
Why does a news of bursting of fire crackers in a remote location generates different reactions? E.g. no casualty = accident, child dying = carelessness on someone’s part, more people dying = a possible sabotage and so on. And if it is sabotage then it must be definitely a particular group or a sect or an ideologist may it be ultra, contra or pro.
MIND argues, if logic is used in its true nature, it should suppress a Rolling Mind by analyzing and revealing the true nature of affairs. But it does not always do it.
So can one say that logic is also entangled and therefore part of the Grandma’s knot?
Then what is responsible in influencing logic? Is it a valuation?
If Valuation cannot assist in right judgment then is it worth?
MIND again wanders… Is not absence of Valuation more profitable in LIFE?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
There have been several bomb blasts in Indian Cities recently. Painfully, in several parts of the World it is a routine.
Once again innocent civilians have suffered death and destruction in the hands of people who do not value LIFE.
As a result, sane and wise ones will grieve and practice restraint and try to promote Peace.
Insane ones will retaliate and bring in more sufferings to themselves and others.
The suffering Mind deliberates on the cause and prevention of violence and rolls back to Mahatma Gandhi.....
"If Eye for an Eye was the solution, soon the entire World will be Blind"
MIND continues to wander...
Sooner or later Law will catch up with the culprits and punish them. Will the manmade Law prevent future occurrences of violence? Will it address the root cause - Ignorance? Apart from punishing the guilty, can it bring the real understanding of the Law of Nature? The only Law which is above all boundaries?
Can understanding of the Law of Nature, eradicate violence within?
Is knowing the Path without walking on it possible?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Grandma’s knot - 3
I am the youngest amongst five children of my parents. I was not fortunate to come in contact with my grandma as she had already died by then. This was bad as well as good. Bad because I was deprived of her love and care which every child requires from the grandparents. Good in the sense that I did not learn and tie the grandma’s knot which I could not untie….
Either way I have no regrets. Being youngest, I received enough love and attention from my parents in my early life when I required it most. My mother used to talk to me a lot about the grandma’s knot. These came as sometime simple narration and sometimes strict dos and don’ts. Many of her such talk I could not understand but have still remembered because of its curiosity contents. And quite a few of them I could understand only over a period after my mother passed away.
One such tale was…. When a grandmother becomes a great grandmother, she climbs a golden ladder to the Heaven.
Being very small at that time, I used to ask my mother how it is possible, from where they will bring such long ladder to Heaven and that too made of gold?
She would explain, no there is a simple solution to it. They have a very tiny ladder made out of gold and it is tied to the big toe on her dead body when she dies. I never understood this. Nonetheless, I was not capable of asking questions then.
As a matter of fact I still don’t understand it. MIND wanders….
Is it because of the natural desire to propagate? Or having achieved that directly or naturally, is it an achievement worth a reward? That too after ones death by way of tangible gold ornament or a promise for the seat in heaven? Is this one of the grandma’s knot which she ties to the children or she is herself born with it?
I remember, in many sects in India, one can perform his own last rites if he or she has no children.
Normally such rituals are performed by the son or may be by a daughter. Mind wanders... Is it a craving for immortality or clergy’s strategy to ensure business at any cost? Or is it the compassion of someone to such people so that they can die peacefully without much of craving on a gross level?
Does the degree of such behavior vary according to wealth and ignorance one possesses?
Recently, I came across a news item that one of the political leaders, in Rajasthan – India, went to worship her own statue in a temple constructed by her admirers.
Are we all Narcissus? Or are we so naïve to know that history compresses and even greatest of the human beings turn from Autobiography book to a page and to a paragraph and to few lines in the History and that too if one is fortunate or have earned it by his own effort.
Do we not know that Body is destroyed in no time after our death intentionally or naturally?
Do we have way to know to which body (in future) the Mind will attach and where and when it will come into physical existence?
If answer is yes then matter ends.
If the answer is no? Then why is there such a craving for the immortality? And the means to achieve it by way of rites and rituals?
Do we even have a know how to ensure that such process is completed successfully and the results can be verified?
Is it so important to achieve immortality? Of whose immortality? Body or Mind?
MIND wanders again.... isn’t this the strongest knot of Grandma?
Can I solve this knot?
Within myself?
With my own efforts?
Is there a Way?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Grandma's Knot - 2
The Mind further deliberates on the Grandma’s knot.
Experience has convinced me that I am the result of my past. Based on this firsthand experience, I have no doubts that we are the effect of our own cause. Depending on the nature and intensity of the causes (my actions) results are inevitable in time with proportionate intensity.
Does it not mean that I am my own mother? And mother of mother too, Grandma?
If every member of the family is mother and his or her own Grandmother. Then which knots the biological Grandma is teaching her biological grand children in the form of family pride, honour, religious compulsions, and traditions etc.
What is their relevance compared to my own skill of tying knots? Does it mean they are hypothetical? And if they are, then why should they be important?
I find that besides other effects on me, one very significant effect is the masking effect of my own capability to tie or untie the knots.
Therefore, can I consciously avoid learning the biological grandma’s skills, so that my own skills at knots get a chance to manifest?
The Mind now sees....
The complexity of the knots disappearing. Some of them easy to open and some of them have started opening themselves.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ignorance of Ownership:
Mind wanders, what is Ownership? Are Me, Mine, Our, Copyright, Intellectual rights, Patents etc. synonymous?
Are they absolute and permanent? How do they get diluted or cease in reality?
Does intellect play any role in its survival or cessation?
In cricket, when a fielder takes a catch, why all the credit goes to the fielder and not to Isaac Newton?
Why do HAMs keep arguing about who is the true inventor of Radio, whether, Marconi, Bose, Tesla and so on and still keep talking about One World One Language?
Why do housewives talk about their kitchen gadgets in terms of their brand initially and after few days only talk about how to improve cooking, or washing or storage or the process of their intended use?
Mind goes back to the cricket fielder. Over the years, after continuous practice, he has experienced and understood the law of Trajectory. Intellectually he may not even know who Isaac Newton was but his perfect practice earns him accolades.
HAMs will keep arguing about the inventor of the Radio until one of them has succeeded in giving a first disaster call in Tsunami, floods, earthquake or any other Human tragedy and helped save lives. Or with the simplest of technique he has succeeded in establishing a contact with a remote station to his joy. Is not the result because of his understating the fundamentals of the radio, experimenting with them and perfecting them?
A housewife will talk about how to make best use of gadgets as she uses them more and more instead of boasting about its manufacturer or brand?
So, does it mean that mindful experience brings dilution or cessation of Ownership? Or does it transform it in to something else?
When I experience Compassion, is it the compassion of My Jesus?
When I meditate and experience wisdom is it the wisdom of My Buddha?
Mind sees…
Is not mindful practice dilutes the ownership boundaries?
Is not when I bring the theory or teachings on My Experience, the so called Ownership ceases and turns in to Gratitude?
Gratitude to Christ, to Buddha and everyone in the spiritual or worldly matters who have helped me gain the expertise and experience in whatever I have established in?
And when I am deprived of all my possessions (ownerships), am I not humbled down and Happy?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Whenever, I read the comments on my posts, Mind resonates with, Saailin's humbleness, Narain's candid query to self, Paresh's transformation, Abhijit's synergy. And of course the encouragement of others who take the trouble of expressing themselves and those who don't feel necessary to comment but experience the same pain and pleasure in my posts.
All of these not only provide me with the courage and consolation but also gives me an assurance that my writing does make sense to some of you and help you share my experiences.
This post is the acknowledgment of the sympathetic joy I have experienced reading your comments and my appreciation of your efforts to deliberate on my posts in your busy life.
I assure you that even though I may not be able to reply to you individually now or in future, I do read and will continue to read every comment with unbiased Mind and try to appreciate your views.
Thank you.
May all of you realize the Noble Truths.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Last Words of Jesus Christ
When the innocent monks and simple people are killed………..
When the cyclone affected people are denied aid by their rulers………
The Heart bleeds but Mind reacts like Sharon Stone’s.
After a while in Meditation last words of Jesus Christ becomes experience.
May they all be saved from the results of their Karma.
May they realize Laws of Nature (Dhamma) and get Enlightenment…..
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Grandma’s Knot
Early college days were my best days in many ways. Freedom from the control of the school teachers, no uniform, no discipline and ability to choose my Life to an extent. I felt like a toddler sneaking out of the house from under the watchful eyes of the mother. Experiencing new environment, tasting mud, smelling fresh air and so on.
During this time, I read books on various subjects, exposed myself to various hobbies, interests, philosophies and so on. There were many things which I could do within my limited means and time and many were left desirable.
One such desirable was, training in scouts or any Para disciplines like NCC etc. Practical experience was not possible so I started reading about its basics. And as usual Mind started its mapping.
One of the aspects I came across was use of ropes and knots in camping, hiking and even in seamanship.
Knots interested me a lot. Various types, for different purposes and different levels of ease of tying and untying them etc. And amongst various terms describing them, I came across the term “grandma’s knot.”
To all of us who are lucky or not so lucky to have grown up under Grandma, know this one knot naturally.
Most of us in many societies grow up under Grandma, her love and affection, care and mentoring her obligations fills us with Gratitude invariably.
But the Mind (resisting the temptation to call it my Mind!!) is now trained to validate everything in the Life without any prejudice or see things as they are.
So, Mind analyzed, Grandma = Grand + Mother = Grand Source?
If it is a source then its acceptance must be directly related to the results?
If a steam provides water it is accepted or rejected by its contents, which is in fact the amount of nutrients or contaminants in additions to other physical properties? And to the worst of my knowledge, nutrients are short lived as they tend to decay if not consumed when necessary, but contaminants have a tendency to multiply and inflict more undesirable results as the time passes.
With the same analogy, are we not receiving from the grand source, contaminants along with the nutrients? Which are conditionings in the name of tradition, family pride or honour, religious and so called philosophical values along with many other dos and don'ts.
All of which are based on the resources of the source? The resources of the source are again conditioning and experiences of its own Grand Source?
Aren’t such conditioning binding instead of freeing us. Do they allow us to come out of the well and jump in to the sea or fly in the sky? Do they allow us to run to other people’s Grandma in same way as we run to our Grandma?
Mind wanders, is Grandma’s Knot easily openable as it is said?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Where is My Mind?
But while observing it I find, from moment to moment it functions in different manner.
Sometimes, it is like a mirror in the Bathroom showing my actual self.
Sometimes, it is like a piece of mirror lying in the day light in the Sun, initially reflecting everything clearly and gradually losing its power of reflection as wind deposits sand on it.
Often it is like clear water in the tumbler, acquiring the characteristic of the additives.
Likewise, it works like a photographic plate behind the lenses (eyes), an audio file storage behind the sound recorder (ear) and so on… but mostly tagged to one or more input devices like skin, nose, tongue etc….
And strangely sometimes it takes inputs from itself and keeps reacting to itself.
I find I have very little control over it accept in some very rare moments….
If I do not have any control over it then how can it be mine?
So from now on, it is not My Mind but simply MIND.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rosemary’s Baby
During 1968, my early college days, amongst many movies, I saw Rosemary’s Baby by a famous director Roman Polanski based on Ira Levin’s novel. The movie had an unforgettable effect on my Mind.
Since 40 years have passed, I may have forgotten the accurate details but still recollect the story broadly.
A young couple moves in to a new house. The husband comes in contact with the neighbors and connives with them to reincarnate the Devil through her. After, that the story unfolds various aspects of changing the body chemistry of the pregnant mother, Neuro-linguistic Programming during her sleep, and the devil’s advocate ensuring that everything goes as per the plan at any cost.
Amongst the other characters, an important role was played by a well wisher neighbor who helps ensure that unwilling mother’s body and Mind transform through a designed chemistry of food intake and mental suggestions.
Great care was taken to prepare the mother for the unexpected result. Movie very effectively portrayed the natural struggle taking place in the Mind of the mother. Anxiety, gut feeling, apprehensions, love etc. and all the aspects covered well of a typical of a pregnant mother caught between the good and bad without her knowledge.
And finally movie ends with birth of the devil baby the mother refuses to accept the baby...
The last shot comes as a punch line “Some humans are born in the form of devil and some devils are born in the form of humans” and the mother reconciles…..
Now after 40 years, I deliberate on this movie and many questions arise in my Mind.
Aren’t we all like Rosemary?
We conceive the bad against our innate desire for good. And having conceived the bad, ensure that it nurtures properly through toxic food for body and mind.
We force acceptance of our ill conceptions on ourselves and ultimately justify the results.
And that is not enough we also force our spectators in to the acceptance of our babies?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Mind often wonders about the nature of words its domain and its effectiveness.
Why do words have different meanings at different time for speaker and listener?
Why is "mother" different than "Maa", or "Father" different than "Pa" or "Dad"? when they are addressed to same listener by the same speaker?
For a Marathi knowing person why does word "Aai" and "Matoshri" evoke different emotions and responses?
Why does Google take you on a World tour when you search for the word "Love"?
Why does George Bush's words "World Peace" & "Freedom" are different than rest of the
World? And why do they convey contradictory meanings and responses to different people in different countries.
Why are cause and effect different when an employer tells his prospective employee that he is looking for an honest person like him (to run his dishonest business!!??)
Why is word "misquote" synonymous with "media"?
Are words essential tools to play mind games?
Are words only triggers to generate responses? If it is true than why are the responses different?
Why are same words spoken at different time induce different effects like soothing, needle pricks and gunshots?
And why do some words spoken during the greatest self awareness act like detonators? And why (or how) do they result in the cessation of the speaker, listener and the words themselves?
Is that why J Krishnamurti always refrained from establishing the relationship as a speaker and listener?
Is that why my wife always says (usually after her meditation) that when one has experienced, the word "Gratitude" invariably appears grossly inadequate?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Clinging to Opposites....
My Mind always wonders...
Why negative becomes guardian of positive?
How do corrupt politicians rise to the highest offices in the culturally most advance nations?
What prompts glorification of underworld in the Hollywood and Bollywood movies?
Why are so called God men claiming to change the World are in a race for altering their economical and social status?
Why does mass-mind consider the psyche of some individuals indispensable for its welfare and progress? Perhaps, in reality whose absence could have brought in the desired results much quicker!!
Every morning I receive an email from World of Quotes. They very kindly provide me short and not so sweet material to keep my Mind busy for a while, at times it consoles me, some times it provokes thoughts and often it makes me laugh at my ignorance.
Anyway.... the quotation seems to crystallize my thoughts which I am reproducing here...
Well, what is it? Resonance? Gravitation or hungry Mind's strife for the nutrition?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Divine or Human Retribution
Mind wanders if a Regime can be tried for the crime against Humanity? If yes, who will do so? The superpowers who themselves are guilty of such crimes against the Humanity under the name of Peace, Democracy, destruction of weapons of mass destructions with weapons of much greater mass destructions and so on....
Mind recalls Ayn Rand "Who is John Galt?" Heart says "Who will throw the first stone?" and at whom? Certainly at the mirror!!
Is Mind not capable of questioning itself the cause of the suffering?
Is it not able to perceive the Divine Retribution (if we may call it) and cognize the urgent need to adopt a rational way of Life?
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Suffering of Burmese people is no longer confined to them. It has started affecting me and all the like Minded people in the World.
If the Junta is suspicious of US intention, surely there are other Nations who do not give out slightest of such impression and are willing to help.
Every minute is precious for the 3/4 of the Cyclone affected peace loving population of Burma.
There is no pity in the Mind but compassion and Metta.
May Love and Compassion of good Hearts win over the negative Minds.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mind of George Bush
My MIND cannot stop reacting to George Bush's comments about World food crises generated by Indian and Chinese middle class consuming richer and more food!!
Do they not have the right to develop and prosper in their own country by hard work?
Or should they starve so that US can produce more ethanol for their voracious consumption at the cost of developing countries?
Does it not sound like Sacrifice by the poor for rich, an age old Mind Game?
Strange ways of collective Mind
Thousands of cyclone affected people of Myanmar are facing the risk of death and disease by starvation but the authorities do not want to accept international help!!
Referendum against the people's welfare?
Is collective mind not capable of thinking about priorities?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Observation
I am new to Blogging. While I read many blogs with interest, I never thought of posting one. Recently a good friend persuaded me to try it out. I said yes and there started my misery.
What to write? So many subjects !! How to go about it?
Went back to the friend on Google Talk for guidance. Created profile, put up picture, selected template. Again the mind started playing tricks.
Jokingly I told my friend, the template it selected, my picture looks good but the Mind is blank (i.e. there are no contents on my blog.) And there came a flash?
Why the Mind is blank (content of the Blog) because it is too cluttered in reality. This realization and this blog is born.
Isn't the cluttered mind cause of our misery?